Panitia Peduli & Prihatin

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Panitia Peduli dan Prihatin merupakan satu badan yang ditubuhkan bagi menyalurkan maklumat-maklumat tentang isu polemik dunia. Rasulullah Sallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam bersabda "Tidak sempurna iman jika kau tidur dalam kekenyangan, sedang jiran tetanggamu menderita kerana kelaparan". Mari ambil cakna isu dunia.

18 May 2012

Denmark moves against illegal settlement produce with new labelling scheme

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (Ma'an) -- Denmark is set to introduce a labeling system to denote products made in Israeli settlements, Danish media said Friday.

"This is a move that will clearly show consumers that this produce has been produced under conditions that not only the Danish government, but also the European governments have rejected," Danish Foreign Minister Villy Sovndal was quoted as saying by Danish online news-site Politken. 

"Then it is up to consumers whether they are prepared to buy the produce," he added.

The Danish FM said that stricter controls and labeling of settlement produce should be seen as part of the European Union's support for a two state solution.

Enforcing controls on settlement produce also shows the Palestinians that the world is against illegal settlement building.

The move targets illegal settlements and not Israel, the Danish FM added

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