Panitia Peduli & Prihatin

Tentang Kami

Panitia Peduli dan Prihatin merupakan satu badan yang ditubuhkan bagi menyalurkan maklumat-maklumat tentang isu polemik dunia. Rasulullah Sallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam bersabda "Tidak sempurna iman jika kau tidur dalam kekenyangan, sedang jiran tetanggamu menderita kerana kelaparan". Mari ambil cakna isu dunia.

29 May 2011

Jawapan Kuiz Siri 3

Fatin Atikah bt Abd Hamid, TAHUN 2 PERUBATAN

Jawapan Kuiz Siri 3 “Membongkar Kezaliman Yahudi”
1.       Ariel Sharon
2.       Kitab Talmud
3.       Golongan Karaiyah
4.       Yahudi bebes melakukan jenayah asalkan di tempat orang lain (Moed Kattan 17a), Menganiayai seorang Yahudi hukumannya bunuh (Sanhedrin 58b), Dibenarkan menindas orang bukan Yahudi (Sanhedrin 57a), Orang bukan yahudi adalah haiwan dibawah darjat manusia (Yebamoth 98a), Memfitnah Nabi Adam AS (Yebamoth 63a), Merendahkan kaum hawa ( Pesahim 11a, Menahoth 43b-44a)
5.       Goyyim
6.       Menguasai sistem ekonommi dan badan kewangan dunia, menguasai pendidikan, Menguasai segala media massa.
7.       Banda Fal, Switzerland.
8.       Sarje Nylos
9.       - Menggunakan kekayaan, seks, dadah, alkohol, kerosakan moral, penipuan, pengkhianatan, peras ugut dan rasuah.
-Cuba menyusup masuk ke dalam semua gerakan dan menguasainya dari dalam melalui ahli-ahli Illuminati mereka
-Mempunyai pekerja-pekerja Illuminati di setiap badan kerajaan
-Menguasai setiap bentuk media massa
-Merahsiakan ketua-ketua mereka dan kekuasaan yang dimiliki oleh orang Yahudi
-Memulakan dan menamatkan peperangan
-Menggunakan keganasan dan kebebasab untuk menguasai orang ramai
-Menggunakan monopoli antarabangsa
-Pembekalan senjata
-Menyebarkan teori dan prinsip yang salah
-Menukar maksud undang-undang tempatan dan antarabangsa
-Pasukan tentera pengganas rahsia di merata-rata ibukota dan bandar.
-Membuatkan banyak negara berhutang supaya Illuminati boleh campur tangan dalam urusan negara-negara terbabit.
10.   1: Persamaan hak  2: kebebasan   3:Persaudaraan (fraternity)

Kuiz : Siri 4 "Zionis Penghisap Darah Gaza"

27 May 2011

Malaysia aid ship ends sea attempt to Gaza

Sebuah kapal dari Malaysia, MV Finch, yang membawa bekalan makanan dan bantuan bagi rakyat Gaza terpaksa membatalkan misi mereka disebabkan masalah enjin. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak Menteri Luar Negeri Mesir telah memberi jaminan untuk membawa bekalan makanan dan bantuan tersebut ke Gaza melalui Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan sebagainya. Berita selanjutnya di bawah:

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) – A Malaysian aid ship attempting to land in Gaza after being warned off by Israeli naval forces last week has been forced to abort its mission after engine trouble, activists said.
Matthias Chang, who is heading the mission for the Perdana Global Peace Foundation, told AFP on Monday that the MV Finch was now stuck six nautical miles from Egypt's El-Arish port.
"At about 5:30pm local time (0330 GMT), our vessel developed engine trouble and we lost our steering capability, so we had to stop our attempt to reach Gaza by sea," he said.

"However, the Egyptian foreign minister has given his assurance that we will be allowed to unload our humanitarian cargo and that it will be taken by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency into Gaza," Chang said, adding that Egypt is bound by international law to lead the vessel to safety.

"Although we were not able to reach Gaza by sea, we have achieved our aim of breaking the Israeli embargo by breaching their protection zone last Monday and if the Egyptians deliver on their promise, we will have also achieved our aim of delivering aid to Gaza," Chang said.
Perdana Foundation officials said the MV Finch left Greece on May 11, carrying plastic pipes to help restore the sewage system in Gaza.

However, Israeli naval forces fired warning shots at the vessel when it was in Israeli waters, about 400 metres (yards) from Gaza, and forced the ship into Egyptian waters.
Chang said the 12 activists and crew onboard the ship, had on Monday told Egyptian authorities to either allow the vessel to dock and unload its aid or they would carry on to Gaza by sea.

As the Egyptians did not respond to the ultimatum, Chang said the ship left the waters off El-Arish, heading towards Israeli waters.
Malaysian journalist Alang Bendahara, who was also aboard the vessel, told AFP the aid ship was escorted by an Egyptian navy patrol vessel, which cautioned that Israel's naval forces could attack if they entered Israeli waters.

"The mood onboard the ship was very subdued as we were contemplating what would happen but it was clear that everyone was determined to continue so that we could get this much needed aid to Gaza," he said.
An official from the foundation Samsudin Hitam confirmed that Egypt has promised to allow the MV Finch to dock and unload its cargo on Tuesday.
Malaysia's foreign minister Anifah Aman said in a statement Monday that he had spoken to his Egyptian counterpart to speed permission for the vessel to dock and that the minister had "agreed to assist in the matter".

The Perdana Foundation is headed by former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad, an 85-year-old firebrand who was a strident critic of the West and Israel over the treatment of Palestinians during his two decades in power.

The organisation was also involved in the first "Freedom Flotilla," a May 2010 attempt to break the Israeli blockade on Gaza, which ended in disaster when naval commandos raided the aid ships, killing nine Turks on board one of the vessels.
The incident sparked heavy criticism of Israel and led to a sharp deterioration in ties between Turkey and the Jewish state.

Sumber: Yahoo News

20 May 2011

Kuiz: Siri 3 "Membongkar Kezaliman Yahudi"

PEMENANG Kuiz Siri 2


Ummul Hani Binti Ahmad, TAHUN 5 PERUBATAN

Jawapan Kuiz Siri 2 "Perebuatan Baitul Maqdis"

1. Tahun ke 15 H, 636 M
  2.  Iliya’
  3.  Qubbah AsSakhrah
  4.  Parsi
  5.  Kaum Kan’an
  6.   4 Bukti bahawa Bumi Palestin milik Umat Islam seluruh dunia:
- Kebanyakan Nabi dan Rasul pernah tinggal di Palestin dan tanah sekitarnya
- Bumi Rasulullah SAW diIsra’kan
- Masjid AlAqsa Kiblat pertama
-Khalifah Umar yang membuka Kota AlQuds tidak membahagi-bahagikan tanah AlQuds kepada tentera Islam, sebaliknya menjadikannya tanah wakaf umat Islam
-Sabda Rasulullah SAW “Akan ada sebilangan daripada kalangan umatku yang berpegang dengan ajaran agama, tegas terhadap musuh-musuh mereka, tidak memberi mudharat kepada mereka oleh orang-orang yang memusuhi mereka dan segala kesulitan yang menimpa mereka, sehinggalah Allah SWT mendatangkan bantuanNya dan mereka tetap demikian.” Kemudian para sahabat bertanya, “Wahai Rasulullah, di manakah mereka saat itu?” Rasulullah SAW menjawab, “Di Baitul Maqdis dan sekelilingnya.”
  7.  Tahun 1099 M
  8.  Palast
  9.  Perjanjian Ballfour, Perjanjian Oslo, Resolusi 181
 10.  Palestin bumi yg dijanjikan Tuhan untuk mereka.

13 May 2011

Kuiz : Siri 2 “Perebutan Baitul Maqdis”

PEMENANG Kuiz Siri 1


Nurul Najwa Mohd Taher, TAHUN 4 PERUBATAN

Kami akan memberikan hadiah kepada pemenang. Kepada yang kurang bertuah, boleh cuba lagi!

Jawapan Kuiz Siri 1

     1.  Goyim

     2. Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB), Pertubuhan Negara Berkecuali (NAM), Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam (OIC)

     3. Jonas E. Salk

     4.  (AlBaqarah: 51, 55, 58, 67, 75, 78, 79, 92, 93, AliImran: 181, AnNisa’: 153, AlMaidah: 24 64, AlAhzab: 69)

    5.  Standley Cohen

    6.  Bukit Zion, benteng pertahanan orang Yahudi daripada ancaman kaum Yabus. (Mazmur: 11)

     7.  Rotaract Club, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Freemason, Illuminati

     8. Teodor Herzl

     9. Palestin

   10. Hamba Allah

07 May 2011

Ratusan maut di selatan Amerika Syarikat

Puting beliung

Negeri-negeri selatan AS telah dilanda puting beliung yang dahsyat, yang telah meragut lebih 200 nyawa dan telah meranapkan hampir keseluruhan penempatan di sana. Antara kawasan yang dilanda musibah ini ialah Alabama, Missisipi, Tennessee dan Georgia. Puting beliung kali ini, mungkin yang terburuk dalam sejarah AS. Berita selanjutnya di bawah:

Hundreds dead as tornadoes rip through southern US states

Death toll exceeds 220, with more than 100 killed in Alabama alone and dozens in other states

Tornadoes and violent storms have ripped through seven southern US states, killing more than 220 people as they flattened neighbourhoods, overturned cars and toppled trees and power lines.
In the deadliest series of tornadoes the US has seen in nearly four decades, 131 people were killed in Alabama alone. The Alabama governor, Robert Bentley, said the state had suffered "massive destruction of property" and warned the death toll was likely to rise. Fifteen people died in Tuscaloosa, a city of 93,000 and home to the University of Alabama. Sections of the city were destroyed and the city's infrastructure devastated, the mayor said.
State officials reported 32 people killed in Mississippi, 30 in Tennessee, 11 in Arkansas, 10 in Georgia, eight in Virginia and two in Louisiana. The clusters of powerful tornadoes – more than 100 in total – combined with storms to cut a swath of destruction from west to east over several days.
The Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in Alabama was expected to be shut for days or weeks as workers repaired damaged transmission lines. Up to a million people in Alabama were left without power.
In Tuscaloosa news footage showed paramedics lifting a child out of a flattened home and many neighbouring buildings reduced to rubble. A hospital said its emergency room had admitted about 100 people and treated 400.
"What we faced today was massive damage on a scale we have not seen in Tuscaloosa in quite some time," the mayor, Walter Maddox, told reporters, adding that he expected his city's death toll to rise.
"This could be the worst tornado in Alabama's history," said meteorologist Josh Nagelberg of
Hardest hit was Birmingham, Alabama's biggest city, where at least 26 people were confirmed dead as of late Wednesday. There were 13 in Walker county and 11 in Jefferson county, including a child whose parents were missing, as well as two in St Clair county. The severe weather started at about 5.30am with winds of up to 100 miles an hour ripping through parts of the city, toppling trees and knocking out power. By nightfall power was out to 370,000 customers statewide and more than 170,000 in the Birmingham metropolitan area.

Forecasters had been warning of the storms for days, so schools were shut and many took the day off work to watch tornadoes live on television.
Barack Obama said he had spoken to Bentley and approved his request for emergency federal assistance such as search and rescue.
"Our hearts go out to all those who have been affected by this devastation and we commend the heroic efforts of those who have been working tirelessly to respond to this disaster," Obama said.
Around Tuscaloosa traffic was hampered by fallen trees and power lines. Some drivers abandoned their cars.
Maddox said authorities were having trouble communicating with each other as 1,400 national guard soldiers were deployed around the state. The flashing lights of emergency vehicles could be seen on darkened streets all over town and some were using winches to remove overturned vehicles from the side of the road.
In Huntsville meteorologists found themselves in the path of a tornado and had to evacuate the national weather service office.
In Mississippi a police officer was killed when a tree fell on to his tent as he shielded his young daughter with his body, said Kim Korthuis, a national parks ranger. The girl was not hurt.
In eastern Tennessee a woman was killed by falling trees in her trailer in Chattanooga. Just outside the city, in Tiftonia, what appeared to be a tornado struck at the base of the tourist peak Lookout Mountain. Tops were snapped off trees and insulation and metal roof panels littered the ground.

06 May 2011

Kuiz Bersiri

Kuiz : Siri 1 “Kenal Yahudi dan Zionisme”

<Hantar jawapan anda>

1.   Dalam buku Mughalatat Al Yahud, ada disebut bahawa orang Yahudi menganggap diri mereka bangsa pilihan Allah, anak-anak dan kekasihnNya. Mereka menamakan diri mereka dengan satu perkataan Hebrew yang bermaksud puak atau kaum. Apakah perkataan itu?

2.     Beliau adalah seorang Yahudi yang menghasilkan vaksin polio yang pertama di dunia.

3.     Berikan tiga pertubuhan yang mengecam keras penjajahan Zionis Israel ke atas bumi Palestin.

4.     AlQur’an membongkar banyak jenayah Yahudi yang dahulunya disebut sebagai Bani Israel. Tahukah anda 12 jenayah tersebut seperti yang termaktub dalam AlQur’an? Senaraikan 4 daripadanya.

5.     Hadiah nobel dalam kajian embriologi berjaya disandang oleh beliau yang berdarah Yahudi. Siapakah beliau?

6.     Daripada manakah ‘zionisme’ mendapat nama?

7.     Apakah nama 5 kelab yang tersusun dibawah Council of 13?

8.     Siapakah yang mengasaskan protokol-protokol Zionis?

9.     Zionis telah mengadakan Kongres pertama pada tahun 1897, dan pada 1907 Organisasi Zionis Dunia telah memilih sebuah negara sebagai sasaran didirikan negara Yahudi. Negara manakah yang menjadi sasaran itu?

10.  Apakah maksud perkataan Israel?

<Hantar jawapan anda>

04 May 2011

Hulurkan tangan, Hadiah berpatutan

Panitia 3P menganjurkan derma bagi saudara-mara kita di Palestin. Setiap hadiah akan diberikan mengikut nilai LE (tertera di bawah gambar) derma anda. Allah berfirman dalam Al-Quran, Surah Saba' : ayat 39

"قل إن ربي يبسط الرزق لمن يشاء من عباده ويقدر له وما أنفقتم من شيء فهو يخلفه وهو خير الرازقين"

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Sesungguhnya Tuhanku memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya diantara hamba-hambaNya, dan Ia juga yang menyempitkan baginya dan apa sahaja yang kamu dermakan maka Allah akan menggantikannya dan Dialah jua sebaik-baik Pemberi rezeki"

LE 5 

LE 5

LE 5

LE 10

LE 10 + LE 5

LE 10 + LE 5

Jika anda berminat sila hubungi AJK 3P:
Ikhwah: Mohamad Firdaus Bin Jumodi (PTPD)
Akhawat: Zaiyan Masturah Binti Mohd Yasin (PTS) atau 
Arni Nuruljannah Binti Omor Khan (PTD)

01 May 2011

Sempadan Rafah dibuka selama-lamanya

Mesir akan membuka selama-lamanya pintu sempadan Rafah yang menghubungkan Gaza dan Mesir. Demikian menurut Menteri Luar Mesir Nabil al-Arabi pada hari Jumaat lepas. Berikut merupakan berita lengkap:

Egypt to open Rafah crossing to Gaza permanently

by News Wires (text)

The Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip will be opened permanently, Egypt's foreign minister announced on Friday, sparking regional security concerns among Israeli officials.

AFP - Egypt will permanently open the Rafah border crossing to ease the blockade on Gaza, Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi said Friday, sparking Israeli concerns over the implications for regional security.

Arabi said in an interview with Al-Jazeera his country would take "important steps to help ease the blockade on Gaza in the few days to come," according to the Arabic-language satellite channel.

He said Egypt would no longer accept that the Rafah border -- Gaza's only crossing that bypasses Israel -- remain blocked, describing his country's decision to seal it off as "shameful."

In Jerusalem, a senior Israeli official said the Jewish state is "very concerned" about the implications of the Rafah crossing being thrown open.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the Israeli official said Gaza's Hamas rulers had already build up a "dangerous military machine" in northern Sinai which could be further strengthened by opening the border.

"We are very concerned about the situation in northern Sinai where Hamas has succeeded in building a dangerous military machine, despite Egyptian efforts to prevent that," he told AFP, without giving further details.

"What power could they amass if Egypt was no longer acting to prevent that build up?"

The fact that the new regime in Cairo was seeking to upgrade its ties with Gaza's Hamas rulers was an issue which could have strategic implications for Israel's national security, he said.

"We are troubled by the developments in Egypt, by the voices calling to annul the peace treaty, by the rapprochement between Egypt and Iran, and by the upgrading of relations between Egypt and Hamas. These developments potentially have strategic implications for Israel's national security."

Egypt has largely kept Rafah closed, opening it exceptionally for humanitarian cases from the besieged Gaza Strip.

Israel imposed its blockade on Gaza in 2006, further tightening it the following year when the Islamist Hamas movement seized control of the territory from forces loyal to Western-backed Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas.
Since 2007, Gaza's 1.5 million people have relied on a web of tunnels beneath the Rafah border for most of their needs.

A 2005 agreement brokered by the United States put the Palestinian Authority and Israel in charge of Rafah, with observation from the European Union.

Sumber : france 24 news